by Scott McNealy
The big rule for the week: Get your rest and stay off your feet. So, I made sure to finish and submit my blog to the lawyers and censors last night right before leaving Maverick at his grandparents house.
Problem: Clint Eastwood’s Mission Ranch is on the way back to Pebble Beach. Somehow, the autonomous driving feature of Susan’s all black, very unladylike Dodge Charger Daytona took over and we ended up parked right outside the bar on karaoke night. Since we were already there, we went in for a night cap. Great scene. I felt young again. Singing was awesome. Some guy had to be a pro. Nailed “Unchained Melody.” Of course, Susan and I ended up dancing to it. My boys would call it groping. Sorry, no pictures.
Anyway, we did make it home not too late.
Woke up at 5:40am. Swing slow, full turn, relax forearms, load at top, use lower body to start downswing, drive right shoulder through the ball, full finish on balance, don’t throw a fit or your club. Can’t remember the other swing keys. Have to remember all of it in 43 nanoseconds as that is the elapsed time of the whole swing. Couldn’t fall back asleep.
Put every bit of warm weather gear I had on as it was windy and 39 degrees on the way to the course. Checked in. Got lot of great stuff as tee prizes. Susan got two jackets, a sweater, golf top, sweatshirt, and other stuff with my gift certificate. I am so happy and excited.

But most importantly, Maverick took me over to the Callaway truck. The guys in the truck are true craftsmen. They built a new Mavrik driver for me while I watched. Magic. Now I was truly happy.
I hit my first shot at the range with it. Solid strike, but a bit low with minimal spin. Maverick adjusted the head and boosted the loft. Two solid drives with excellent ball flight and we were off to the first tee. And of course I almost put my first drive into the driving range on the right. I need serious counseling. Over the course of the day though I got really close to my driver and dropped my old driver like a bad habit and banished it to the trunk for eternity. The Mavrik looks great but is fast and forgiving.
Absolutely love it.
The practice round was uneventful. I did hit one on 16 to four feet and didn’t scare the hole on the birdie putt. The course is playing hard. Soft fairways, lots of mud balls, lush and thick rough, firm and fast greens. Some new tees make it a long and tough test. Spyglass is one of my favorite courses anywhere.
Afternoon consisted of a nap.
Dinner at MPCC with Susan’s parents as Maverick hosted all of his TeamMaverick partners for dinner in the other room. Nice touch by him to host his sponsors and agent to thank them for supporting him on this two year journey to the Show. Mom taught him well.
Then Susan and I headed to the opening party. Food and drink everywhere. Toby Keith and Colt Ford entertained. As did Clay Walker. Clint Eastwood was there. Joe Kernen wants me to get up at 3am Friday and do Squawkbox. Depends on how I am playing. Lots of friends we had not seen in a long time. Ice cream served at valet on the way out.
Time to go to bed. Wondering if Susan will mind if my Mavrik driver sleeps with us tonight.

MPCC practice round tomorrow. Hope to improve on the even bogies round I had today. Should have practiced but nap seemed more valuable.