Hi Team!
As we start into the Fall, I wanted to send an update to everyone covering a very eventful summer, despite not competing since June.
First and foremost, I scored myself a fiancée! Maya and I flew solo from Vegas to Carson City, and I dropped the knee on the dock in front of my parents’ cabin. I’m glad I was able to talk her into it!!

I also just passed the checkride to get my instrument rating- meaning that I am now legally allowed to fly through clouds, above 18,000’, and on an ATC-controlled flight plan. This is a huge step in becoming a safer and more capable pilot, especially when dealing with weather. The checkride consisted of a written exam, 2 hour oral exam and a 3 hour flight. Glad I got that done, and am thankful I’ve had something to do to keep my sanity during this time off!!

Despite all the fun, the past few months have primarily consisted of rehab and building back my golf swing. After the PRP injection, I started at about 20 golf balls per day, chipping an 8i about 60 yds. I was focusing on swing mechanics and moving my body in a way that would prevent re-injury, and allowed the speed and volume to return naturally. By July, I was hitting a bag of balls per day, first thing in the morning at TPC Las Vegas to beat the Vegas heat.
I have been going to Greathouse Physical Therapy four days a week, doing my PT exercises, and getting various treatments ranging from manual release to dry needling and shockwave.
What this looks like for the fall is a bit complicated with the new schedule. I am currently on a medical leave, which ends as soon as I hit my first tee shot in competition. The way that works out is:
If I finish in the top 125 at the end of the Fall (Sea Island is the last tournament), then I will be full-status starting 2024 and the medical is irrelevant.
If I do not finish inside the top 125, then I will rely on a certain number of medical spots in early 2024 to make up the difference of how many points I was short of the 125 number. I don’t anticipate this number being much more than 30 FedEx Cup points.
The earlier I return to competition, the fewer tournaments will be given in my medical exemption. However, the later I start my medical, the fewer tournaments I’ll have in 2024 to climb my way up that points list. Lots of things to consider…
All in all, it works out that I’ll need to make somewhere between 0 and 30 points in my first 8-10 tournaments back. This means there is little incentive to come back until I am fully healthy and ready to compete.
Thank you all for your support! If you haven’t done so recently, please visit www.BirdiesForEducation.com and log into your accounts. While you are there, you will be able to sign up to donate for my sixth season (“B6”) and bring your Birdies donations to Curriki current for past seasons. Please contact Karen, khallstein@curriki.org, 1-408-655-0233, if you have any questions. You can also mail your donation check to our address below.
Curriki Update
Curriki is empowering students and transforming education through innovative partnerships and technology. A recent pilot program allows students at Cristo Rey San Diego High School to create their own curriculum content using Curriki’s authoring tools. Additionally, Curriki is collaborating with Wiley to blend open and premium digital content through open standards. Curriki is also developing a new content standard called Curriki Educational Experience (C2E) to provide portable, protected, high-quality curriculum to more students. With your support, Curriki can continue pursuing its mission of making quality learning accessible for all.